sb0t 5.39

sb0t is an open source chat server for the Ares peer to peer network. Open source means that the code used in creating this program is fully available to anyone who would like to view it, add to it or change it.

Changelog/Lista de cambios:


  • Updated .Net dependency to .Net 4.6
    • Please update to .Net 4.6 if you have issues prior to submitting a ticket
  • Updated a couple libraries

New Featues

  • Added an 3 new commands /asnban /asnunban /listasnbans
  • Added a ProxyCheck scripting class using

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue #30
  • Fixed possible issues with external IP masking
  • Fixed issue with muzzle bypass if muzzled through word filter
  • Fixed bug where whispers were not limited to same vroom
Necesario: .Net Framework 4.6

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